Friends and family of new parents often joke that babies have just a few main activities – feeding, peeing-pooping, crying and sleeping. If your baby is cranky and cries excessively, he could be suffering from colic which is experienced by infants in their early months.
Colic is scary and often frustrates parents. Since generations, parents have been using gripe water for babies to solve the problem of colic. Let us understand what is colic and whats is its usage and how safe is Woodward’s gripe water for your baby’s colicky issues.
If your baby is healthy but tends to cry at predictable times, mostly in the late afternoons or evening, he could have colic. Colic is abdominal discomfort experienced by young infants, starting when they are a few weeks old and lasting up to the age of about 6 months after which it typically subsides.
It is said to be caused by the build-up of gas in the infant’s stomach.
Parents of colicky babies are often advised by well-meaning people and the internet to give their baby Woodward’s Gripe Water. However, it is best to do your research or speak to your doctor before giving a baby under 6 months of age anything other than breast milk.
Also Read: Yes, Gripe water is safe for babies (details inside)
William Woodward’s invented the formulation of Woodward’s Gripe water in the 1800’s in England. He found that it helped soothe a crying baby from a variety of symptoms including gassiness and colic.
The concoction was then patented in his name and has become a well-known name in every household since.
Earlier formulations of Woodward’s gripe water contained large doses of alcohol which was the primary reason it soothed crying babies. Alcohol is no longer added to Woodward’s Gripe Water. The other main ingredients are:
Apart from relieving colic, gripe water is used by parents to relieve the symptoms of gas, reflux (spitting up due to acid), upset stomach, hiccups which interfere with feeding and even constipation.
Also Read: Colic: symptoms, reasons and home remedies to treat the colic in babies
Also read: Colic: Causes, Symptoms, Remedies
Read More: Is Homeopathy safe for Babies?
To sum it up, if your baby has colic, try to soothe him before reaching out for that bottle of Woodward’s Gripe water. Colic typically subsides as the baby approaches the six-month mark. If the symptoms last beyond six months, do consult with your baby’s doctor.
However, if you do choose to give him Gripe Water, make sure you read the instructions and administer it only in the recommended doses.
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