Safety Precautions You Need To Follow For Your Baby During COVID-19

Safety Precautions You Need To Follow For Your Baby During COVID-19

The world is dealing with a lot these days which means dealing with a virus we do not have complete information about. In these stressful times, parents’ are concerned about their babies more than ever as babies have an immature immunity which takes time to develop. Due to this, parents are confused about how to keep their babies safe and secure. 

Here are some safety precautions that you must follow as a family to keep your baby healthy in the current scenario: 

Food Handling And Preparation 

  • Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly under running water followed by washing your hands with soap and water. 
  • Wipe packaged foods like cans with a disinfectant before storing them. Throw any unnecessary food materials packaging in a bin with a lid. 
  • Use different chopping boards for raw meat and fish. 
  • Make sure you wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds before cooking food and before meals. Ensure your kid follows the same hand hygiene. 

Keep Your Home Clean 

  • Always disinfect highly touched surfaces in your home to prevent infection. 
  • Sanitize your baby’s favorite toys. 
  • Clean a surface with detergent and water at first, followed by a disinfectant that contains around 70% alcohol or bleach. 

Keep Your Clothes Clean 

  • Change your clothes immediately when you return from a public place to avoid the virus from entering your house. 
  • Make sure to clean your bed sheets, towels, and clothes regularly. 
  • Wash clothes with soap or detergent with warm water. Let them air dry completely. 


Precaution to Follow If You Need To Take Your Baby For An Unavoidable Hospital Visit  

  • Book an appointment beforehand to avoid ques and crowds.
  • Both, the parent and the kid need to wear a mask while stepping out. 
  • Be careful of touching contact surfaces like doorknobs, tabletops, etc. 
  • Do not let your baby touch any toys or surfaces at the clinic. 
  • Maintain at least 3 feet distance from people. 
  • Don’t let your child touch their eyes, nose, and mouth. 
  • Sanitize your and your kid’s hands regularly with an alcohol-based sanitizer. 

It’s better to avoid hospital or clinic visits until you can, as your baby is safest at the home.

Get on to Vaxline, a free helpline by Sanofi to get your questions answered by a doctor or to get more information. 

Stay Home, Stay Safe 

(This information is brought to you by Sanofi)

