7 Biggest Myths And Facts About C-Section

7 Biggest Myths And Facts About C-Section

A lot of people think that having a C-section means the mother is having a hassle-free delivery and it is the easiest way. There are some who state that C-section comes into picture only when the possibilities of vaginal births are less and the health of the mother or child is at risk.

Let us know about the common myths about C-section delivery.

7 Common Myths And Facts About C-Section 

#1. Myth – Vaginal births are not possible after having a C-Section

Fact – There were days when it was believed that once a woman had given birth through C-section then she would not be able to experience vaginal birth for later pregnancies. But this is not the case today. If a woman considers having a vaginal birth then she can discuss with the doctors about the possibilities. Doctors will analyse many factors like the body condition, uterus strength and then will decide if it is okay to have a vaginal birth. There is also a process called Trial or Labour After Caesarean (TOLAC) where a woman is put on the trial to examine the safety of vaginal birth. Based on the statistics released by American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, around 60 to 80 percent of ladies who undergo TOLAC successfully carried out the vaginal birth. Hence, C-Section has a very little impact on the later deliveries.

Also Read: 10 Necessary Precautions to be taken after a C-Section

#2. Myth – Skin to Skin Contact is not possible after C-Section

Fact – After a child is born, it is recommended to establish skin to skin contact with the mother which will regulate the body temperature of the newborn. After going through the C-Section procedure, some parts of the body becomes very sensitive for the mother. But this does not mean skin to skin contact is not possible. It’s the matter of finding the appropriate position which is convenient to the mother to have skin to skin contact with the child. While preparing for the C-Section procedure, the mother could discuss all the possibilities of the ways to begin skin to skin contact.

#3. Myth – C-section procedure is an easy way to give birth

Fact – There is no easy way for delivering a little human. C-section and vaginal births both contains certain level of difficulties. A C-Section option is considered in the cases of high risk pregnancies. The body condition of the mother, medical history and certain other factors can lead the mother to the high risk zone. Compared to a woman who has undergone a vaginal birth, a woman with a C-Section would have suffered higher blood clots, bleeding and infections. The recovery period is also considered high in this case.

The normal recovery period for a vaginal birth is estimated to be two to three weeks in many women whereas in C-section it could be anywhere near to 6 and 7 weeks. Having an elective C-Section is helpful in getting ready for the procedure but it does not mean the whole birth process will be easy.

Also Read: 11 Important Factors to Consider Before Choosing the Best Hospital for Delivery

#4. Myth – Women will not feel anything during C-section

Fact – Generally anaesthesia is provided during the C-section process and mothers-to-be feel less but they do feel some amount of pressure and tugging. Nausea and vomiting is very common before or after the procedure. Many women also experience severe headache due to the anaesthesia provided to them. A little human is taken out of the body and of course a woman is going to feel it but the pain levels will be in a more controlled way during the C-section procedure. Having a C-section, however does not mean that the woman is completely unaware of the pain and the whole birthing process.

#5. Myth – Breastfeeding is not possible after C-section

Fact – The most common myths of old times about the C-section is that the woman will not be able to breastfeed after the surgical process which is not true. Whether to breastfeed or not is completely a personal decision but it is not decided by the process of childbirth. Yes, it is difficult to establish a good breastfeeding position but even if the baby is delivered via vaginal births, it will take a good number of days to attain a successful breastfeeding position. There is little downside in initiating the breastfeeding process after a C-section as compared to the vaginal births but it does not mean that it is impossible to breastfeed after C-section. It will take time and patience is a key here.

#6. Myth – Having a doctor with higher number of C-sections will reduce the chance of vaginal birth

Fact – A doctor with a high rate of C-section procedure is not a whole depiction of what he or she prefers. In many situations, these doctors are the first choice for many who undergo high-risk pregnancy or multiple births. A high number of patients record with the surgical procedure does not mean that the doctor prefers that way. It simply means that it suits the patients.

Also Read: 8 Things to Consider while Choosing the Right Gynecologist for You

#7. Myth – The recovery period for both vaginal births and C-sections are the same

Fact – The recovery period is essential after undergoing any type of childbirth. C-sections usually take a relatively longer period compared to the vaginal births. A woman with a vaginal birth is discharged from the hospital after 2 to 3 days whereas the woman is examined in the hospital up to 5 to 7 days in case of C-sections. The scars have to be healed and there is a higher risk of infection which has to be considered. It is usually not advisable to lift heavy objects or involve in a huge amount of daily chores after a surgical procedure and the same goes with C-sections.


Every mother wants a better start for their baby. Choosing to deliver via C-section is also one of personal decisions, and sometimes the call is not even in the mother’s hands. C-Section is not an easy process to have or to deal with. Every person in this world is different and so is their way of arrival to this world.

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