How To Increase Platelet Count Naturally

How To Increase Platelet Count Naturally

Platelets are one of the three types of cells that is found in our blood. They are a vital component of blood and help the body form clots during an injury. When they are inactive, they resemble tiny discs or plates; hence the name. When they are active they develop tentacles just like an octopus. Since platelets are so important for the human body, a low platelet count should not be ignored. It is very important to maintain a healthy platelet count. There are many symptoms that show if your platelet count is low. These include:

  • Fatigue
  • Easy bruising
  • Late healing
  • Bleeding gums and nose
  • The appearance of red spots on the skin
A low platelet count is called Thrombocytopenia. There are many reasons that can be the cause of low platelet count. It is advisable to rule out the cause of the low platelet count before trying any home or natural remedies to increase platelet counts. If your blood test has shown a low platelet count, you should first consult your doctor to find out the reason behind it. If the reason is nothing very serious, you can try some home remedies to increase your platelet counts. A healthy platelet count is between 1,50,000- 4,50,000 platelets per microlitre of blood. Also read: 7 Essential Micro-Nutrients For Your Child’s Overall Health Fortunately, there are some home remedies that can help you increase your platelet counts naturally. The home remedies include making changes in your diet and include more food items that can increase the platelet counts. Foods that can increase your platelet counts:

#1. Include papaya in your diet

Papaya as a fruit in itself is a great source to increase platelet counts. Ripe papaya is a proven solution that helps human body produce fresh and healthy blood. But more beneficial is the papaya leaf. You can prepare a papaya leaf tea by boiling it in water and having 2 teaspoons of it in the morning. Papaya leaf extracts are also available in the market. It may be bitter in taste but the result is worth it.

#2. Food sources that contain Vitamin K

Foods and greens like parsley, kale, spinach, broccoli, celery, asparagus, cabbage and ladyfinger are some great sources of Vitamin K. Including Vitamin K in the form of fresh vegetables in your diet will do wonders to increase your platelet counts.

#3. Vitamin A rich foods

Vitamin A is essential for increasing platelet counts and protein in the body. Foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes and kale are rich in Vitamin A and help increase platelet counts naturally. If not raw, it can be consumed as a juice also which will instantly provide a boost of Vitamin A in the body. Also read: Vector-borne diseases – Causes, Symptoms and Protection

#4. Increasing the iron content in the body

Iron is essential to our body as it helps produce healthy blood cells. Iron rich food also help in increasing the platelet counts in iron-deficiency anemia patients. High levels of iron can be found in lentils, pumpkin seeds, raisins and beef.

#5. Wheatgrass

Half cup of wheatgrass juice everyday can do wonders to your platelet counts. Research has shown that wheatgrass has helped immensely in increasing the platelet count as it has amazing nutritional and medicinal value. The high level of chlorophyll present in wheatgrass resembles the haemoglobin found in human body. This is a super plant that bumps the level of red and white blood cells.

#6. Lean Proteins

These are excellent sources of vitamin b12 and zinc which form a crucial part in increasing the platelet count in the body. Lean meats like beef, turkey, chicken and fish are proven to help in increasing the platelet count. Fish contains Omega 3 which helps in platelet activation. Also read: Can Thyroid Disorders Lead To Problems In Conceiving?

#7. Folate

Folate appears naturally in many food items and is a great source to increase your platelet counts. A healthy adult should, on an average, consume 400 gm of folate everyday. Folate is found in peanuts, black eyed peas, orange, orange juice, kidney beans, asparagus, raisins and fortified cereals.

#8. Include amla, beetroot and aloe vera juice in your diet

All these are rich in antioxidants and can prevent many health problems which can lead to low platelet counts. They also help in blood purification and prevent blood infection. This leads to increase in blood platelet counts.

#9. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important group of food that help platelets come together and function effectively. A rise in platelet count can happen with the inclusion of foods rich in Vitamin C in your diet. They include mangoes, pineapple, broccoli, tomatoes, green and red bell peppers and cauliflower. Also read: Benefits Of Healthy Fats For Toddlers

#10. Fresh milk

If there is one single food that you can have everyday to increase your platelet counts- it is milk. Milk is a rich source of calcium which works together with Vitamin K and fibrinogen- a milk protein; in order to increase the platelet counts. Yoghurt, cheese and other organic dairy products also help in achieving the same goals- regenerate blood platelets. Want to share your experience as a mom with other moms through words or images? Become a part of the Moms United community. Click here and we will get in touch with you  
