How To Make Mango Stuffed Kulfi: A Step-By-Step Guide

How To Make Mango Stuffed Kulfi: A Step-By-Step Guide

The summers have started and all you want to have is something icy and cold. Your children always crave for ice creams and kulfi during summers, especially when returning from school or during evenings after their playtime. Buying ice cream from shops is not always a good idea as they contain colours that might harm them if had everyday.

The King of fruits is one fruit that everyone enjoys during the summertime. You get them in various varieties and can make a number of things using just mango. You will find several kids love eating mango or drinking mango milkshake. Mango has many nutritional benefits, so including it in your kid’s diet will boost her health and immunity.

Benefits Of Mangoes For Children

  • Improved vision a sit is very high in Vitamin A which helps in improving eyesight.
  • Mangoes promote digestion.
  • Mangoes help in boosting the memory of children.
  • Mangoes help in improving the texture of skin, making it soft and healthy.
  • Mangoes are beneficial in promoting weight gain in children if you are having some weight issues with your child.
  • Since mango is a summer fruit, they help in promoting heat strokes. Eating mangoes cools one down and refreshes the body.

How To Make Mango Stuffed Kulfi

Mangoes can be combined with water, milk, curd or just had on its own, this tasty treat is a favorite of everyone. So why not combine mango and ice cream and make a kulfi, but with a twist. This time you stuff kulfi inside the mango and present it in a different way rather than the traditional mango kulfi. Here’s how you can make mango stuffed kulfi.

Step 1: Get your ingredients ready

  • Milk (full cream) – 1.25 lts/ 5 cups
  • Sugar- 1/3rd cup
  • Mangoes- 6 to 8 numbers
  • Handful of Pista (optional)

Step 2: Get the milk ready

  • Heat milk and reduce it till becomes 1/3rd and thick.
  • Now add sugar, stir and cool completely
  • Add pista.

Step 3: Make mango puree

  • Take 1 or 2 mangoes
  • Peel and chop it into small pieces
  • Blend it in a blender to make the puree

Step 4: Deseeding the rest of the Mangoes

  • Cut a thin slice on the extreme edge of the mango.
  • Insert a knife or a spoon into the mango and go around the seed so it becomes loose enough.
  • Pull out the seed carefully
  • The mango is now hollow for us to pour the kulfi mixture inside it.

Step 5: Make the Kulfi mixture

  • Mix the mango puree with the cooled down milk

Step 6: Assemble the mangoes

  • Pour the Kulfi mixture inside the space of the hollow mangoes.
  • Close the mango with the cut out mango piece.
  • Freeze the mangoes for at least 8 hours to get that perfect Mango stuffed Kulfi.
  • Once frozen, remove and peel the mango.
  • Slice it into half and serve this delicious treat.

(Recipe courtesy: Chef Kunal Kapoor)

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