5 Dangerous effects of pollution during Pregnancy plus expert advice to stay safe

5 Dangerous effects of pollution during Pregnancy plus expert advice to stay safe

Did you know that Pollution significantly affects pregnant women and if left unchecked can impair the child’s lung development for life? Numerous researches suggest that children and pregnant women are the most vulnerable to the dangers of Pollution. Read below to learn how Air Pollution caused by nearby chimneys, vehicular pollution, dust, passive smoking can have adverse impact on pregnant women.

Harmful effects of Pollution on the fetus

Air pollution is particularly detrimental to the development of a growing fetus. Pregnant women who are continually exposed to high levels of air pollution can put their baby’s health at risk:

#1. Low birth weight

how-pollution-affects-unborn-babies There is compelling research conducted by American Pregnancy Association which links a baby’s birth weight with that of the mother’s exposure to polluted air. Women who breathe polluted air while pregnant is known to deliver babies with lesser birth weight than those who lived in cleaner conditions.

#2. Preterm Birth

how-pollution-affects-unborn-babies A study by The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) found that annually, around three million babies are born prematurely due to air pollution. Around 18% of all annual preterm births have been linked to particulate matter pollution. Preterm children are at a higher risk of neurological disorders and physical disabilities.

#3. Asthma

how-pollution-affects-unborn-babies Air Pollution can lead to asthma in pregnant women. Asthma  when left untreated, can cause the baby to suffer from lack of oxygen, poor growth and even Asthma later in life as the particulate matter pollution actually breaches the placenta. Source: American Pregnancy Association 

#4. Birth Defects

how-pollution-affects-unborn-babies Studies say that women who are more exposed to polluted air before or after pregnancy are more likely to have babies with congenital birth defects. Also, a study by Harvard University has found that women who were exposed to high levels of pollution, especially during their third trimesters were more likely to deliver a child with Autism. Marc Weisskopf, an author of the study suggested that “the problems underlying autism are starting in the utero”.

#5. Miscarriage

A study conducted by the National Institutes of Health says that exposure to air pollutants like fine particles and ozone can increase the risk of early pregnancy loss. This could be due to increased inflammation of the placenta, thereby impairing fetal development.

How do you ensure Protection from Air Pollution During Pregnancy

The proven and the most effective way to protect a pregnant woman from the dangerous effects of Air Pollution is to wear a good quality Pollution Mask because these keep out fine particulate matter, right at the source. “Breathing fresh and clean air will drastically reduce the chances of health ailments,” says Dr. Devi Shetty, Chairman, Narayana Hrudalaya, Bengaluru. One of the most effective and and pocket-friendly masks available in the market is the Dettol Siti Shield Mask. It’s 3-layer filtration system filters out 98% particulate matter (pollutants) and 99% bacteria. It comes fitted with a smart valve to make breathing out easier and a separate micro fan attachment for additional cooling and breathability. Its three sizes - Small, medium and large ensure it will fit the youngest and oldest members of your family. Wearing a mask regularly will also ensure that you are able to go about your daily activities and your children are able to enjoy the outdoors without any interruptions while breathing healthy. Besides wearing a mask, other effective ways to reduce the impact of Air Pollution include using air purifiers, putting indoor plants, eating foods that help flush out pollutants from lungs and staying hydrated at all times. This information is brought to you by Dettol Siti Shield.

