11 Home Remedies To Treat Loose Motions In Babies (6-12 Months)

11 Home Remedies To Treat Loose Motions In Babies (6-12 Months)

Loose motions, also known as diarrhea is characterized by stinky, watery and loose bowel movements. Babies become cranky, irritated and restless because of the frequent watery stools.

Due to loose motions, babies lose essential minerals from the body known as Electrolytes.

Losing too many electrolytes can make your baby dehydrated. Dehydration can prove to be fatal for the baby and thus it is very important to overcome the electrolyte losses from the body. A baby’s immunity is still in the developing stage and so you must take extra care of your baby’s food.

When your baby loses electrolytes, he/she also feels tired and flushed out. You will notice that the energy is low and your otherwise happy and playful baby will be fatigued and lazy and in pain! Since loose motions are a very common problem faced by babies, it is better to try some home remedies first, rather than giving medicines right away.

Also Read: 25 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Cold And Cough in Babies & Kids (3 months to 3+ years)

Note: Do not try any home remedy if your baby is younger than 6 months.

#1. Bananas

banana-source-dailyasianageImage Source: dailyasianage

Banana is the best foods to cure loose motions in babies. Bananas can be given to the babies in the mashed form or else you can also give banana along with curd. Using bananas to control loose motions is a traditional recipe and it can provide great relief to the baby.

Bananas are known for stimulating mucus formation in the lining of the stomach. As a result, the mucus acts as a barrier between the acidic gastric substances and the lining of the stomach and even the fiber of the banana can play an important role in restoring normal bowel movement.

Recommended age: 6+ months

#2. Curd or Dahi

yogurt-source-health-magazineImage Source: health magazine

Curd is a probiotic and you can give curd along with some roasted cumin seeds or else you can also add a half pinch of salt or sugar in curd and then give it to your baby. Probiotic means substances that help in stimulating the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria which are beneficial for the stomach.The friendly bacteria in the curd help in balancing the good and the bad bacteria in the intestines thereby controlling loose motions.

Recommended age: Plain curd can be given to baby after 6 months of age. Salt and sugar should not be given to the baby before 1 year of age.

Also Read: 8 Home Remedies to treat the diaper Rash in babies

#3. Sabudana Water

sabudana-water-source-indian-healthy-recipesImage Source: Indian healthy recipes

Sabudana water is a traditional recipe for controlling loose motions in babies. Sabudana water acts as a binding agent by causing constipation, therefore, a full stop on the loose motions.

How to prepare sabudana water?

  • Soak sabudana in water for 1 hour.
  • Put sufficient water and boil it.
  • Boil until sabudana completely gets immersed in water.
  • Strain and give this sabudana water to your baby.

Recommended age: 6 + months

#4. Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS)

ORS-source-slideshareImage Source: slideshare

Since there is a lot of water loss from the body along with the loss of minerals, the fluid intake needs to be increased drastically in order to make up for it. Oral rehydration solution (ORS)  is a very common fluid given to babies to control loose motions and it is also packed with all the essential nutrients. ORS can be purchased from market and also it can be made at home.

Recipe of Making ORS at Home


  • 6 teaspoons of sugar
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • 1 liter of water

Mix all the ingredients, shake well and then give this solution to your baby.

Nutritional Composition of ORS is-
Sodium Chloride- 2.6 grams
Glucose- 13.6 grams
Potassium Chloride- 1.5 grams
Trisodium Citrate-  2.9 grams

You may check with your pediatrician before giving this.

Recommended age: You can give small doses of ORS solution to babies above 6 months after discussing with the pediatrician.

#5. Pomegranate Juice

pomegranate-source-amazonImage Source: amazon

Pomegranates possess antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties which provide your baby protection against all kinds of gastrointestinal troubles including loose motions. Pomegranate can be given in the form of juice to the baby. You can simply blend the pomegranate seeds in a mixer and extract the juice from the seeds and then give this juice to your lil one. If your baby is 6-7 months old, then dilute it with water and feed it to your baby.

Recommended age: 6+ months

#6. Boiled Potatoes

boiled-potato-source-youtubeImage Source: youtube

Also Read: How much formula milk should my baby drink? (formula diet plan)

It is the most commonly available starch that can help to control loose motions in babies. Potatoes are packed with energy and they help the baby’s body to replenish the energy lost due to loose motions. Potatoes contain some amount of sodium and potassium so when there is excessive loss of electrolytes from the body, the inclusion of potatoes helps in restoring the electrolyte balance in the body.

Recommended age: 6+  months

Recipe for Making Boiled Potato:

  • Pressure cook 2 potatoes for 4-5 whistles.
  • Peel the potato once cool down.
  • You can also add a pinch of roasted ground cumin seeds in it to curb gas.
  • Give this mixture of potato mash to your baby once in a day to control loose motions.

#7. Chawal and Dal ka Pani

rice-water-source-weeklyhealthylifeImage Source: weeklyhealthylife

You can either give dal ka pani or chawal ka pani (rice water) to your little ones. These help to replenish the lost fluids of your baby’s body.

For dal ka pani- Boil one teaspoon of yellow moong dal with a pinch of turmeric powder and 1.5 cups of filtered water. Once cooked, sieve to get the thin watery dal pani and feed it to your baby.

To prepare chawal ka pani- Boil 1 teaspoon of rice in 1.5 cups of filtered water until it is well cooked and soft. Mash it a bit and strain it through a sieve to get thin watery rice soup.

Recommended age: 6+ months

#8. Breastmilk

breastfeeding-source-inhabitat1Image Source: inhabitat

Breastmilk should not be stopped even when the baby falls ill because breast milk is rich in all the essential nutrients that are needed by the baby. Even when the baby is suffering from loose stools breastfeeding should not be stopped as it will help in overcoming the loss of essential nutrients. Breast milk supplies antibodies to your baby’s body and keeps babies below 6 months of age hydrated.

#9. Nutmeg

nutmeg-source-tips-and-careImage Source: tips and care

Nutmeg or Jaiphal as it is commonly known, can also be given for controlling motions in babies. Jaiphal can be given to the baby by mixing it with water in a paste form. You can also give nutmeg with apple. Just cut and boil an apple in water and mix 2 pinches of nutmeg with it. Feeding this mixture to the baby can also help treat loose motions.

Recommended age: 6 + Months

#10. Buttermilk

buttermilk-source-care2Image Source: care2

Buttermilk is also very useful for controlling loose motions in babies. Buttermilk creates a very soothing impact on the digestive system and as a result, it helps the baby to fight back the infections. You can also add a pinch of jeera powder in the buttermilk.

Recommended age: 6 + months

#11. Oats

oats-source-livestrongImage Source: livestrong

Oats contain lots of soluble fiber, which clears the toxins from the digestive tract and helps to form firm stools. The fiber in oats helps to regulate bowel functioning.

Recommended age: 6 + months

Also Read: 13 Benefits of Figaro olive oil for baby
Some points to remember:

  • Make sure to keep the baby’s surroundings clean and tidy in order to prevent the occurrence of infections.
  • Wash all the toys, teethers etc in a mild soap solution at regular intervals.
  • Make the baby drink more liquids but never force feed.
  • Do not begin with antibiotics on your own. Always consult the pediatrician for advice.

Note: If your child continues to suffer from loose motions for more than 2 days in spite of using the home remedies, consult the pediatrician so that he/she can investigate further. Also, if your baby suffers from loose motions too frequently, do not rely on home remedies. Consult the pediatrician so that he/she can find the underlying cause of the infection.

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