25 Essential Habits That Parents Should Teach Their Kids

25 Essential Habits That Parents Should Teach Their Kids

Every parent wants the best for their children. They want children to grow and become the best version of themselves. But, all this starts with the habits you teach them. Encouraging your child to behave in a socially appropriate manner again and again, helps to make it a habit of the child. So, it is important to start early and instill these good habits in your children which they will carry with them throughout their lives. There are some habits that parents should teach their kids.

25 Essential Habits That Parents Should Teach Their Kids

#1. Healthy Lifestyle:

This is the first thing parents much encourage their children to follow. This can start as soon as you wean your baby from breastfeeding by starting with fruit and vegetable purees. Avoid introducing children to extra sugar and fried food and sticking to healthier alternatives.

Starting early will not only acquaint baby’s taste buds to healthy food but will also make it a lifestyle as he grows, thus helping him in the long run. A healthy lifestyle includes

  • Eating fruits and vegetables
  • Drinking water
  • Avoiding processed and junk food
  • Avoiding sugary and aerated drinks
  • Eating meals on time. Skipping meals can lead to acidity, overeating and various other gastrointestinal problems.

#2. Sleeping On Time 

One of the msot important habits that parents should teach their kids is that of sleeping on time. It is of utmost importance for children to get ample sleep in order to rejuvenate their body. Parents should set a sleep routine for the child so that the child’s body gets tuned to it in a few days and he himself would retire to bed at the same time each night. In fact, parents can also sleep with the child at the set time as this makes it easier for the child to sleep and he/she feels secure that the parents are with him.

Also Read: 10 Best Learning Toys For Kids (12 – 18 Months Old)

#3. Outdoor Play

Nowadays kids spend more time in front of the TV or with gadgets than playing outdoors. Encouraging your child to play outdoors will ensure that kids do not turn into a lazy couch potato and will be healthier, fitter and agiler.

Outdoor play goes a long way in refreshing the child and making him active and fit. It is also a great opportunity to make friends and interact with other children. You can also make your child join a sports activity. Parents can join the activity with their child, like swimming, badminton, etc. They can play the child’s favorite game, take him/her to the park.

Parents can also indulge in other activities with their child, such as doing a painting activity together, going for a play date, or visiting a historical monument. Doing this, will not only strengthen the bond between the parents and the child, but also keep the child away from gadgets!

#4. Cleaning up

Let’s face it, kids love to scatter toys and create a mess in the room. Although this is an understandable behavior from kids, but parents must teach the child to clean up the mess he’s created. Children don’t understand responsibility and will not do anything unless we tell them why it needs to be done.

It is important to teach children that if they don’t clean up their toys, they may not find them the next time. You can also tell them that things can get misplaced and someone can get hurt if they step on the toys. Parents can make the cleaning activity a fun thing by making the child sort the toys according to color. This way the child will not only enjoy doing it but also show more interest.

#5. Regular Exercise

Gadgets and Televisions are making kids couch potatoes. Children must be encouraged to exercise regularly in order to be fit and keep diseases and infections at bay. Try to fix a routine for exercise either in the morning or evening and if possible, exercise with your child. Not only will it make your child active, but it will also improve your bonding with your child and he/she will feel motivated to exercise.

#6. Instill Habit of Reading

Sir Richard Steele once said and I quote, “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”

Reading opens up the mind of children, boosts their imagination and broadens their horizon. It is important to teach the importance of reading to kids as it makes them more receptive to the world around them. It is advised that you make reading a part of your child’s playtime  or bedtime routine. It can start as early as five months when they can see black and white and notice bright colors and it will help them to start speaking soon.

Reading is not only a good way of learning new things but it also decreases child’s dependency on gadgets such as phone, tablet, laptop and television for entertainment.

Also Read: 10 Best Bedtime Story Books for Babies

#7. Be Kind

It is important to teach kids to be empathetic, helpful and generous. It is good to teach kids easy ways so that they can touch other people’s lives. This includes being kind towards humans, animals, and environment. Being kind teaches kids to be compassionate and teaches them to be thankful for what they have in their lives.

#8. Money Management

Teaching kids to be responsible with money is extremely important as it teaches them the value of money.It also teaches them to understand the difference between wants and needs in life. It makes them realize the hard work of their parents to earn money and fulfill their needs.

#9. Value Education:

Kids don’t necessarily like school or the idea of doing their homework. But it is important to  teach them the value of learning and education. Make them realize how valuable education is to become a successful and responsible human being.

#10. Table Manners

Having bad table manners are insulting not just for people around but also for the food that has been prepared and offered to them. When the child is aware of table manners, he/she will minimize their chance of offending and maximize the chance of impressing in social situations. This is one of the most important habits that parents should teach their kids.

This starts as early as 6 months when children are made to sit on the high chair. As they sit on the high chair and see people around them eating on a plate with a spoon, they will also pick up similar habits. This will also discipline them and avoid them being turned into fussy eaters.

#11. Being Polite

Basic things such as being respectful towards others and importance of the words thank you, please, and sorry should be taught to kids from the beginning. Not only are these a mark of good upbringing but also earns the child love and respect from those around him.

#12. Standing up for Themselves:

It is important to teach kids to stand up for themselves, speak their mind and lead the way, in case a situation arises where their parents are not there to guide, protect or defend them. It will make them independent and confident.

#13. Basic Hygiene

There are a few things such as brushing your teeth twice, washing your hands before and after meals, etc. which should be developed in the children since the beginning as it then turns into a habit that they will follow throughout their life. Being Hygienic is vital in a child’s growth and development.

Also Read: 11 Healthy & Yummy Snacks Ideas For Kids

#14. Being You

In a world which is constantly telling them what to be and what not to be, it is important to teach kids to be themselves and love the way they are.Teach them not to compromise on who they are or what they believe in just because they don’t fit in someone’s definition of perfection.

Being content with yourself from childhood can avoid a lot of problems they might face as an adult. It will also make them proud of their identity and their life, in general.

#15. Do not Bully

Teasing and bullying someone is the most humiliating thing and children should be stopped the very first time they do it. Neither should the child be allowed to bully anyone nor should he/she tolerate bullying and teasing. Teach your child to report instances of bullying immediately to elders and teachers, rather than taking action himself.

#16. Being Happy and Positive

Kids should know that life is not all roses and rainbows. Life is about both good and bad experiences. And what matters is the way they carry themselves during the different situations of life. Encourage kids to remain positive and happy no matter what happens. This is going to make them less hassled, more optimistic, have better health and suffer less depression when compared to others.

#17. Value Relationships

In a world which is becoming more and more aloof and segregated, it is important to teach kids the value of relationships. It is essential to make them realize the importance of friends and family, things which they might take for granted.

Children must spend some time with their family and friends. This can begin by making the family sit together for meals and going for family picnics. Friends are the second most-valuable people in our lives and one must keep meeting them.

#18. Sharing with others

With nuclear families trending, most couples have only one child and so our kids do not know how to share. They are over-pampered and they do not like giving their toys and/or belongings to others. Teach by example.

Share small things with your child, tell him stories and teach your child to share with others. You can ask your child to donate his old clothes and toys which are not age appropriate now, to the needy or children who can use them. This will initiate the feeling of giving in children.

#19. To be Honest

Children do not know right from wrong. They are like molds and can be shaped by parents the way they want. They look up to parents and imitate them. Parents must teach their child to speak the truth in every situation. Remember, that children learn a lot from parents, so make sure you set the right example and speak the truth

#20. To be Patient

We have got into the habit of getting everything instantly and don’t have the patience to wait. We need instant results with everything. We have machines to do so many things in less time. This is what our children are watching. Their wishes are fulfilled the moment they utter a word and sometimes even without saying. But life isn’t like that all the time. Parents must teach their children to be patient and calm. One can’t get instant results in every situation of life; sometimes one needs to wait patiently to get the desired results!

#21. Waiting for their Turn

Children must be taught to wait for their turn and line up in a queue. There are certain rules that need to be followed and there are no exceptions to them. Children must learn to wait patiently and not create a fuss by disturbing the line.

#22. To Accept Defeat

Life isn’t always a bed of roses. Parents must teach their child that it is ok to lose. There is no need to feel sad or humiliated when you lose. It is a part and parcel of life. What is more important is to be part of the game and to enjoy it. Children must be taught to accept defeat and show some positive spirit. You can teach your child that every failure teaches us a lesson and makes us prepare for the next challenge.

#23. Punctuality

Time doesn’t wait for anyone and you cannot turn back time. Teach your child the value of time and being on time. Reaching on time saves a lot of unnecessary effort and pays in the long run while latecomers have less time for doing their work and do it in haste. This can affect the quality of their work too.

#24. To work hard

Quoting famous science fiction author, Robert A. Heinlein, “There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.” Children must be taught that nothing can be achieved in life without hard work. A person cannot fulfill his/her desires without putting in effort. You can give examples of how you work to earn a living buy all the necessities of life.

Also Read: 64 gift ideas of toys for kids on their birthday

#25. To find fault

Criticizing and finding fault with others is a very bad habit. Children must be taught not to criticize others and use abusive language. Not only does it show ill-mannerism; it can also damage relationships forever.

Using hurtful words in a fit of rage can cause irreparable loss to loved ones.

These habits will ensure that your child leads a healthy and happy life. Teaching these and other good habits to kids can be a little tricky but it can be made easier if you lead by example.

Practice what you preach, and see the kids following your footsteps. Kids are like sponges and they absorb everything that happens around them, they will imitate you, so it is important to set up a good example.

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