First Aid Guide - 5 Techniques that Every Parent Must Know

First Aid Guide - 5 Techniques that Every Parent Must Know

As a parent, your first instinct is to keep your child safe under all circumstances. Most of us do not give much thought to first-aid training unless faced with a critical situation. As parents, it is essential to learn a few first aid methods to step-in and take control of any emergency. Read on to find out how to handle common, baby-related first-aid situations at home.

First,get your first-aid kid ready since it will be easier to administer first aid if you have the basics ready in a first aid box. Make sure your first aid box has the following:

  • Adhesive bandages in various sizes
  • Antiseptic solution or wipes
  • Instant cold compress
  • Antibiotic ointment (bacitracin, Neosporin, triple antibiotic ointment, etc.)
  • Sterile gauze pads (4×4 inch)
  • Elastic bandage
  • Thermometer
  • Scissors
  • Medical tape
  • Cotton balls
  • Soap/hand Sanitizer
  • First aid manual

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5 First Aid Techniques Every Parent Should Know

#1. How to clean and dress a wound?

Small wounds typically need nothing more than dressing and lots of mommy hugs and kisses.

  • To dress small cuts, scrapes, fall wounds first clean the wound with an antiseptic solution like Dettol or Savlon.
  • In case you do not have an antiseptic, you could simply wash the wound with tap water to wash away any dust or grime and pat dry.
  • Small wounds can be dressed in a bandage.
  • For bigger wounds, apply an antiseptic cream, and dress in cotton and gauge

    Points to remember before dressing a wound
  • Always wash your hands thoroughly before administering to a child.
  • Avoid swimming until the wound is healed.
  • If the dressing gets wet, remove the dressing, air dry the wounded area and change the dressing.
  • Speak to your doctor to check if your child’s tetanus shot is up-to-date and necessary and if so, get him a tetanus shot asap.


#2. How to stop a bleeding nose?

Bleeding noses are shockingly common in children largely because of their habit of picking their noses. In case your child experiences a nose bleed follow these steps:

  • Pinch your child’s nostrils shut with your thumb and index finger with a tissue, paper towel, or clean cloth for about five to 10 minutes.
  • Do this while your child sits up straight, leans forward and breathes through the mouth.
  • This should stop the nosebleed. Make sure your child does not blow their nose during or immediately after the nosebleed.
  • In case the nose bleed does not stop bleeding after firmly pinching for about 10 to 15 minutes go to the doctor immediately.
  • Seek the doctor immediately if the nose bleed is due to an accident like a fall, head injury, punch or hit from a ball.

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#3. How to treat a burn?

Children like to explore and sometimes touch things they aren’t supposed to be touching. In case your child gets a burn do the following:

  • Place the burnt area under cool running water to provide relief to the child
  • For small burns, apply a burn ointment generously to soothe the burn.
  • Give the child a child-friendly pain relief medication for relief from pain.
  • In case the burn is severe, go to the doctor immediately

    Points to remember when dealing with a burn:
  • Do not apply butter or ghee on the burn as a home remedy. It might cool temporarily, but oils trap heat and delay healing over time.
  • Dress your child in loose natural fibre clothing till the burn heals.
  • In case the child continues to be in pain, consult your doctor.


#4. How to save a choking baby?

Choking though very common in small babies is very frightening. Small children can choke on very small objects like full grapes which they might accidentally swallow, small toy parts and many other small things which they might not be able to chew and unintentionally swallow. If your child is choking, stay calm but act quick and do the following:

  • If you see something in your child’s mouth, remove it with your fingers. DO NOT push your fingers down the child’s throat trying to remove the obstruction as you might push it down further.
  • Lie your baby on his stomach on your lap and tap them firmly between their shoulder blades. Check if the blockage is cleared after about 5 blows.
  • If they are still choking, call emergency services immediately, call for help or rush to the doctor.

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#5. What to do if your child has swallowed something?

Small children are curious and notorious for putting everything in their mouths. No matter how safe and child-friendly you make your child, there is a high likelihood that small children might accidentally swallow something dangerous or foreign.

  • First, try to find out your child has swallowed. If it is a medicine, detergent or something else equally dangerous, rush to the doctor immediately.
  • Keep calm and inform the doctor about what the child swallowed, when and in what quantity.
  • In case the child has swallowed something corrosive like a lego block or toy, do not try to bring it back up by putting in your finger. The object will likely cause damage on its way back up too.
  • The correct course of action is to go to the doctor immediately as they have the tools and medicines for these situations.

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