7 Essential Micro-Nutrients For Your Child's Overall Health

7 Essential Micro-Nutrients For Your Child's Overall Health

Micro-nutrients are those vitamins and minerals that are required by the body in very small quantities. Humans are unable to produce these micro-nutrients in their body themselves. These micro-nutrients are received through an adequate amount of different types of food items. Though small, their role is essential in the overall growth and development- the overall health of your child. Iron, Vitamin A, and iodine are some of the essential micro-nutrients that are essential for your child. Lack of these micro-nutrients are also the most common deficiencies faced by school going children.

7 essential micro-nutrients for your child’s overall health

#1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A promotes good vision. Deficiency in Vitamin A can lead to visual impairment and blindness. Vitamin A also reduces the risk of death from life-threatening childhood infections such as diarrhoea or measles. Vitamin A deficiency can also cause extremely dry skin and hair along with impaired bone growth. With the inclusion of Vitamin A in your child’s diet it can help in Tissue repair, good vision, and a healthier skin. Vitamin A can be found in milk, cheese, yoghurt, carrots etc.

#2. Calcium

Calcium is the essential element and a building block for bones and teeth. Strong bones are important for the physical growth of your child. Calcium also helps in teeth protection and makes them stronger by making them less prone to decay in later life. The more bones your child builds in these growing years, the more reserve the child will have in later years when bones start losing their density. Dairy products, fortified foods, salmon and all dark green leafy vegetables have ample amount of calcium.

#3. Iodine

Iodine is an important nutrient that helps in developing the thyroid hormones which are essential for growth and development. Unfortunately, iodine deficiency is a common issue in countries like Europe, Southeast Asia, African and Eastern Mediterranean. Iodine deficiency in its severest form can lead to mental retardation and is the main cause of brain damage and also reduced IQ levels in children. Most children need an additional source of iodine since it is present in extremely small amount in foods. Most household products like seafood, dairy, salt contain iodine but sometimes a supplement is necessary.

#4. Iron

Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency that is found worldwide. According to the WHO, children are the most affected due to iron deficiency resulting in anemia. Children have increased iron requirements in their rapid growing years; especially during the first five years. Impaired cognitive development and childhood morbidity are the side effects of iron deficiency. Infants who are not able to be breastfed should be given iron-fortified formula. Daily Vitamin D supplements are also recommended for children with a low iron count. Children get their iron intake from rich sources like green leafy vegetables, chicken and beans.

#5. Zinc

Zinc is essential for immune support and infection resistance. It also aids in the development of the nervous system and an overall growth of the child. According to the WHO, zinc is the key nutrient for linear development in children till the age of 5. It aids immensely in height and weight gain. Zinc is easily found in foods like beans, nuts and dairy products.

#6. Vitamin D

Vitamin D works together with Calcium to provide stronger bones. It also helps against chronic diseases at later stages in life. Lack of vitamin D can lead to bone deformities such as rickets in children. Vitamin deficiency can have side effects like weak bones, poor growth and bone pain. It is recommended for breastfed babies to have an extra supplement of Vitamin D until they are weaned or until they are having at least 2 cups of milk or fortified milk. Foods that include Vitamin D are salmon, sardines, eggs (especially the yolk) and fortified cereals.

#7. Vitamin E

Vitamin E acts as a powerful antioxidant and helps protect cells against damage from free radicals. Free radicals cause cancer, heart diseases and cataracts later in life. It strengthens the body’s immune system and keeps blood vessels clear and flowing well. A vitamin E supplement is usually not required but only your doctor will need to confirm that. Vitamin E deficiency is not a problem in children, even in picky eaters. Some premature babies can have Vitamin E deficiency which can be corrected. Vitamin E is found in sunflower oil, almonds, vegetable oils, tomatoes, leafy greens and mixed nuts.

