10 Effective Tips to Boost your Child's Brainpower

10 Effective Tips to Boost your Child's Brainpower

The intelligence quotient in your child is predominantly an inherited trait. However, that does not indicate, by any chance that as parents we cannot do anything to further boost our children's' brainpower. In fact, here are the ten best, fun ways to nurture and enhance your child's intelligence; provided you get at it consciously and consistently.

  • Breastfeed your baby - Yes, it starts that early and just like being a stepping-stone to good health, breastfeed paves way for better brain power in kids. Research too has proven that breastfed babies are smarter. So go ahead and make that early investment without hesitation.
  • Brain games for challenging the tiny minds - Introduce your child to the world of puzzles, brain games, logical reasoning questions, strategic planning activities and more from a very young age. Did you know that there are Sudoku puzzles for toddlers too? Look for games such as crosswords, chess, Rubix cubes and more to tease, nudge, and challenge your little one's brain on a routine basis.
  • Facilitate time for organized games - It is vital to enroll your child in any sport that he or she would love to play. Sports encourage team play, enhance confidence and build leadership skills in children. Kids who play well have been seen to perform well in academics as well, simply because their energies are well channelized.
  • Music for the mind - Research has proven that children who take music lessons have better IQ in the long run. Organized music classes help structure the child's mind increasing logical reasoning and overall intelligence. Let your child learn any instrument, but make sure it is one she likes and learns with dedication and consistency.
  • Allow them to play video games - Alarming and as contradictory to popular belief as it may sound; not all video games are harmful to your child; discretion is the key here. While you have to filter out destructive and violent games make sure to search for those that encourage logical thinking and build your child's problem solving and analytical skills. So instead of a 100 percent ban on video games, assign a gaming weekday and keep a condition that the games and the timings would be your choice. See how happily children comply.
  • Foster curiosity - Children are born curious, with a sharp mind. However, the simple fact that we offer quick and easy answers rather readily sometimes acts as a deterrent and curbs curiosity in the long run. A better way to answer your child's questions would be to counter them with another question. So when your little one asks, "how does a volcano erupt?" do not just jump in with an answer. Instead, go ahead and ask, "How do you think a volcano erupts?" and wait for a myriad of answers to crop up that pave way for further discussion.
  • Make intelligent choices yourself - Children are like sponges and they absorb what they observe. So always make obvious intelligent choices for yourself and for them, so that they follow your lead. Pick a book to read over a game of cards, opt for an after dinner walk with the family instead of sitting in front of the television for that daily soap; make healthy food choices ( never skip breakfast) and always have an open attitude towards learning new things irrespective of your age.
  • Dump the junk - Nutritious food is not only the way to good health but it also makes the mind more alert, active, and receptive. A balanced meal helps children get all the vital nutrients required for proper mental and physical development, while junk food piles up on trans fats and sugars that breed sluggishness.
  • Read to your child - Choose interesting books for your child which evoke a curiosity in your child. Books about how things work and machinery with large and colorful pictures will definitely make your little one want to learn more about them.
  • Give enough love - Research has shown that babies who get affection and love from parents and caregivers are more relaxed and focused and have increased concentration. Your child should not be stressed due to emotional insecurities, so do show affection towards your child and talk to them often.
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