5 Effective Home Remedies to Treat Lice in Kids Hair

5 Effective Home Remedies to Treat Lice in Kids Hair

If you often see your child scratching his/her head and have seen something crawling in the hair, your child probably has lice in the hair. Head lice are tiny parasites which breed on the human scalp and suck human blood which causes a lot of itching and irritation on the scalp. Some children also get small red bumps on the scalp. Although people of any age can get infested by lice, small children are more prone to getting them since they do lots of activities in which they can come in contact with lice. For instance, they roll around in the sand and play with mud in the parks and playgrounds. Children can also get lice if they share the comb of a person who is suffering from lice and by being in close contact with a person or child who has lice. Not only are they taking up your child’s nutrition; they are really embarrassing. Once lice start multiplying, the child finds it impossible to control the urge to scratch. It may also become tough to get rid them. Some people prefer to comb them out but this process is long and doesn’t guarantee 100% removal of lice from the hair.

Here are some Home Remedies that can help to get rid of lice from children’s Hair (how to remove lice from child's hair)
  • Garlic Garlic has a very strong fragrance and contains antimicrobial properties which can help to eliminate lice. Just grind 8-10 garlic cloves and mix them with 2-3 tsps of lemon juice to get a paste. Apply this paste on the scalp covering it completely and allow it to stay for half an hour. Rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Tea Tree OilTea tree oil is a natural insecticide and thus very effective in killing lice. Mix 1 tsp of tea tree oil with 3 tsps of olive oil and a small amount of your child’s natural shampoo. Apply this mixture on your child’s scalp and cover it with a shower cap. Rinse with lukewarm water after half an hour and comb your child’s hair to remove the dead lice.
  • Mashed AppleThis might sound strange but a mashed apple can help to get rid of your child’s head lice in a very short duration. Just mash an apple and apply it on your child’s scalp. Massage for a while and wash off after an hour.
  • Butter and Lemon - Packed with antibacterial properties, lemon is very effective in killing head lice. Take 1 cube of butter and mix 10-15 drops of lemon juice into it. Apply it on your child’s scalp and wash off after half an hour.
  • Eucalyptus OilIt is a strong fumigant and thus works well to destroy head lice. Mix 15-20 drops of eucalyptus oil with 5-10 drops of olive oil and massage on the scalp at night. Cover the head with a shower cap and wash off in the morning.

Preventing Lice Infestation In order to prevent your child from lice infestation, you must educate your child if your child is old enough to understand. Prevent head to head contact as much as you can. Avoid sharing combs and hair brushes. If your child goes for sand play or plays in the mud, try and do a head wash whenever possible. In the summers, the child’s scalp may be sweaty. Wash it regularly to prevent breeding of lice. Give your child a bath regularly and make him/her wear clean clothes. Want to share your experience as a mom with other moms through words or images? Become a part of the Moms United community, click here and we will get in touch with you  
