Common Baby Infections You Must Know About

Common Baby Infections You Must Know About

The immune system of a baby is still developing and is hence, prone to several infections. It is heartbreaking to see your little one cry in pain when he or she develops a certain infection. The best thing for any parent to do is to learn about all the issues that your child may face and the suitable remedies for these issues to help relieve the symptoms and keep your child comfortable. Read on to know more about the common infections in babies and how you can tackle them effectively:

List of Common Infections in Babies

#1. Common Cold

The usual symptoms of this is infection are sneezing, decreased appetite, having a sore throat and congestion in the chest. This is usually airborne and is caused by certain strains of bacteria.

To help your baby cope with it, you can give him or her lots of fluids, especially water. Ensure that your child gets ample rest as well.


You can clear the nasal congestion using a suction bulb and some salt water. In case your child develops a high fever or has persistent symptoms, make sure that you contact your doctor immediately.

#2. Ear Infections

Ear infections are very common in babies who are less than a year old. Usually, the symptoms start out as the symptoms of a cold. Then, you will notice that your baby is very cranky and irritable. He or she will tug at the ears constantly. In some cases, you may even find some fluid draining out of the ears.


An ear infection is one of the most common bacterial infections in babies and can be treated with the help of antibiotics. Make sure that you consult a doctor before you give your child any medication for this condition.

#3. Pink Eye or Conjunctivitis

This common infection in babies occurs if he or she comes in contact with someone who already has the condition. It can even be caused by any germs in the washcloth, tissue or other objects that the child comes in contact with.

The eyes become red and painful for the baby. It is often followed by watery discharge from the eyes. The child becomes extremely sensitive to light as well.


This condition is very contagious and requires immediate medical attention. Make sure that the child’s eyes are kept clean. You can wipe them from the inside out gently using a soft, clean cloth.

#4. Stomach Flu or Gastro

This is another common bacterial infection in babies. The symptoms are usually vomiting and diarrhea. Your baby will have a fever as well. He or she will lose appetite and will refuse to eat anything. If the baby is vomiting, make sure that you give him or her clear fluids such as diluted apple juice. This should only be given when the child has not vomited for at least 6 hours at a stretch.


In case the only symptom is diarrhea, try giving your child small feeds with some gap in between. It is very important to keep an eye on the stools of the child. If there are any traces of blood, contact your doctor immediately.


You must also make sure that you see the doctor if the child is vomiting constantly for more than 4 hours at a stretch. Even if your child stops drinking fluids or shows any signs of dehydration, checking with the doctor is a must.

#5. Molluscum contagiosum

This is a skin rash that is caused by a viral infection. You will notice that the child’s skin begins to develop small “pinpoints” on the skin. This is very common between the ages of 1 to 6 months. These pinpoints will later turn into bumps that are pinkish white in color and will have pus in the center. The pus almost looks like a milky secretion.


These bumps will occur just about anywhere on the body of the child. Normally, the child will get between 1 to 20 bumps at once but in some cases, they can grow into hundreds. This condition is caused by coming in contact with any material that is already infected with the virus.


You must check with your doctor to confirm the condition. You must always wash your hands after holding your child or playing with him or her and must not allow the child to share any clothing or towels with others.

Preventive Care

When it comes to infections, prevention is the best cure. There are some measures that you can take as mentioned below:

  • Never cough or sneeze into your hands and handle the baby.
  • Make sure that the clothes are washed and dried in the sun to sterilize them.
  • Always wash your hands after handling raw meat before you touch the baby.
  • Keep your hands clean when you are handling your little one.
  • If your child is around any pets or animals, make sure that the hands and feet are washed after coming in contact.
  • Ensure that you maintain the vaccination schedule of the baby.
  • Ensure that your baby gets enough breast milk for at least up to 6 months.

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