14 Helpful Childcare Tips For The Monsoons

14 Helpful Childcare Tips For The Monsoons

Kids just love the monsoons. Splashing around in puddles, enjoying the little drizzles or just a good game of football in a slushy field, these are things that every child should enjoy. One the other hand, you are probably worried about germs or your child falling sick.

Childcare Tips For The Monsoons

Here are 14 childcare tips for the monsoons so that your little one can enjoy the little joys of this wonderful season:

#1. Keep The Hands Clean

The easiest route for germs to enter the body is through the hands. So, make sure that you wash your hands and your little one’s hands thoroughly before eating. Keeping a sanitizer handy is a great idea when your go out.

#2. Watch What Your Little One Eats

The food that your child eats matters the most in the monsoons. Since this is the season of common infections, your child’s immunity should be at its best. So, include a lot of fruits and veggies in your child’s diet. They are loaded with vitamins and minerals that boost immunity.

It is also a good idea to give your little one freshly prepared food. Never keep food out for too long during monsoons as the chances of bacterial infection are very high.

Also read: 7 Healthy Monsoon Recipes For Children

#3. Keep The Drinking Water Clean

During the monsoons, water borne diseases are very common. This is the breeding ground for different types of bacteria and germs. Use filtered water for your whole family. It is even better to boil and store water for drinking. Always carry water with you when you are outdoors to avoid any chances of infection.

#4. Make Sure Clothes Are Dried Properly

Clothes take the longest time to dry during the monsoons. Nevertheless, you should make sure that your child’s clothes are fully dry when you put them on. Clothes made from lighter fabric tend to dry up faster. They are also breathable, making them perfect for the monsoons. If it gets chilly, try adding layers instead of using thick garments.

#5. Mosquitoes Are The Biggest Menace

Come rains and it is mosquito menace season. The puddles and the stagnant water increase the number of mosquitoes that carry some of the deadliest diseases like dengue. First, make sure that your home is free from stagnant water around it. Whenever your little one goes out, it is a good idea to apply mosquito repellent and also keep the arms and legs covered. When at home, of course there are options like using a mosquito net or a repellent.

#6. It’s Best To Miss the First Few Rains

It is a common belief that the first few rains are acidic in nature. So it is best to stay away from the first few showers to prevent skin infections.

Also read: 6 Home Remedies For Monsoon Remedies For Babies

#7. Watch Out For Symptoms Of Common Illnesses

Prevention is cure during the monsoons. If your child has mild fever, cough or any common symptoms of possible health issues, get in touch with your doctor immediately. Nipping the illness in the bud is a great way to stay safe during monsoons.

#8. Keep Skin Infections At Bay

Damp clothes, wounds, and exposure to allergens cause infections. It is worse during monsoons because the humidity allows bacteria to breed faster. In case of babies, changing nappies often is a great idea to prevent skin issues.

#9. Make Sure Air Conditioning Is Moderate

While the humidity might tempt you to put the air conditioning on at full power, resist it for your child’s sake. Allow the child’s body to adapt. Keep the air conditioning moderate or turn it off altogether.

#10. Stay Clear of Roadside Treats

This goes without saying. During infection season, the last thing you want to do is indulge in roadside food. Instead carry healthy treats with you whenever you are out.

#11. Crowded Areas Are Best Avoided

You never know who may pass on an illness to your little one. It is common for people to have the flu during the rains. So, avoiding crowded areas is best for you child as you are reducing the chances of him or her getting exposed to germs.

Also read: Most Effective Ways To Improve Your Child’s Immunity Against Flu

#12. Restrict Playtime

Playing in the rain is great once in a while. But keep a watch on how long your child is outdoors. Even when it is not raining, avoiding playing at dusk can reduce the risk of health issues like dengue. This is the time when mosquitoes are out in large swarms and must be avoided.

#13. Check Your Vaccination Schedule

One of the best ways to keep your child’s immune system working better is to ensure that all vaccinations are up to date. Make sure you check the schedule and do not have any vaccinations pending.

#14. Keep Medication Handy

Common cold and cough are the most common issues during the monsoons. So keep some basic medicines handy in your first aid kit. It is also a great idea to dig into grandma’s remedies and look for simple homemade treatments for these common issues.

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