7 Birth Control Options To Prevent Pregnancy

7 Birth Control Options To Prevent Pregnancy

Not ready to be parents yet? Or is it a second pregnancy that you want to avoid or delay? Well, if the stress of pregnancy is keeping you from enjoying intimate moments with your partner, it is no reason to hold onto. Physical intimacy is one of the important binding factors in a couple’s life. The fear of an accidental pregnancy often takes away from your special moments together. If you too find yourself fearing pregnancy and feel the thought is affecting your love life, opt for safe and effective methods of contraception and enjoy your special moments with your partner to the fullest.

Here are seven Birth Control Options that are known to be most effective in preventing pregnancy:

#1. Condoms

This is the most easily available birth control option. It does not include any hormones and is totally pain free. Condoms are also effective in keeping the chances of contracting any sexually transmitted diseases at bay. In fact, it is suggested that irrespective of the type of birth control that you are using, it is always safe to use a condom as well. If you are using a condom, along with a lubricant, make sure you choose one that does not cause the latex to degrade.

#2. Oral contraceptives

Often called ‘the pill’ this is one of the most well known forms of female contraception. You have different varieties that you can choose based on your body composition. However, when you are using the pill, you need to make sure that you take it every day. Set a reminder if needed. They also reduce PMS symptoms, which is an added bonus for most women. However, some women may feel dizzy, nauseous, or tender in their breasts as a side effect of taking pills. Consult your doctor if these symptoms do not reduce over time. You can stop taking the pill whenever you are ready to have a baby, without having to see a doctor. Incase you have had unprotected intercourse, you can also opt for the morning after pill, also known as emergency contraceptive. It is best to have it within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse to prevent any chances of pregnancy. Also Read: Contraceptive Pills - Usage, Side Effects, and Alternatives

#3. Hormonal Intrauterine Device (IUD)

You can have this device placed in your uterus. It releases the hormones that can help prevent pregnancy. Once it is inserted, it is effective for a period of five years. The hormonal IUD can be used even if you are breastfeeding. It is one of the lowest maintenance options for you and is quite safe. The only concern is that it can affect your menstrual cycle. For some women, it can be a positive change as the cramps and other PMS symptoms reduce. For others, it can stop their periods altogether. This will require you to see a doctor and get a check up done.

#4. Copper IUD

This is the more traditional form of the IUD, commonly known as the diaphragm. It is inserted by a doctor and can keep you from becoming pregnant for as long as 12 years. You can remove it whenever you are ready to get pregnant. It can also be used as emergency birth control. If inserted within five days of having unprotected sex, it can prevent pregnancy. For this reason, it is believed to be the most effective birth control option available.

#5. Birth control implants

These tiny, matchstick sized implants are inserted under the skin, usually under the arm or in your bicep. It releases a hormone called progestin that can prevent pregnancy. Once it has been implanted, it is effective in preventing unwanted pregnancy for up to three years. This is a great option for women who have used estrogen-based birth control and have experienced some side effects.

#6. Birth control injection

If you are uncomfortable getting an implant or an insert, this injection is the perfect option for you. Once you have received a shot, you can prevent pregnancy for a period of three months. It releases hormones that can prevent pregnancy and the medicine takes effect as soon as you have been injected with the first shot. Also Read: 10 Natural Ways to Avoid Pregnancy

#7. Vaginal ring

This ring shaped contraceptive can be inserted in your vagina for a period of three weeks. It works by releasing the hormones progestin and estrogen in your blood. These prevent eggs from being released by your ovaries. They also prevent the sperm from reaching your egg by thickening the cervical mucus. The vaginal ring must be removed whenever you start your period. If you want to, you may remove it when you are having sex. However, make sure that you insert it within two hours of intercourse. Tips for taking birth control
  • When it comes to hormonal contraceptives, make sure you consult your doctor before opting for any.
  • In case of implants and inserts, check for any signs of infections and have them changed in the recommended time period.
  • If you are on pills and injections, some side effects as mentioned above can be expected in the beginning. They subside with time.
  • You have to be honest to yourself about the birth control method that you are using. Are you getting it checked? Are you on the pill everyday?
Emergency contraception is always an option. However, using the right birth control method and using it correctly can prevent a lot of unwanted stress. Also Read: 11 Ways To Prevent Urinary Tract Infection
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