9 Proven Benefits of Green Tea

9 Proven Benefits of Green Tea

We have all heard about it, spotted it in supermarkets, been offered a cup, and even drank it. It is none other than the now ubiquitous green tea which is increasingly being promoted as the go-to cure of everything. Want to lose weight? Drink green tea. Want better skin or hair? Drink some more green tea. But are all the claimed benefits true? Read on to find out the proven benefits of green tea.

What Is Green Tea?

All tea – white, green, black (regular tea) comes from the same tea plant (scientific name, camellia sinensis). The difference between the teas is in the processing. Green tea is less processed than normal black tea, going through less oxidation. Therefore, green tea has a higher level of antioxidants than normal tea.

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How To Brew Green Tea For Maximum Benefits?

Green tea should be brewed for 2-4 minutes for maximum benefits. Steep a tea bag or a spoonful of green tea leaves in a cup of boiling of water.
Brewing green tea for too long gives it a bitter taste because of the tannins released due to over brewing.

How Much Green Tea To Drink?

Drinking 3-5 cups of green tea per day will give you the maximum benefits of green tea. Refrain from drinking too much green tea as it contains caffeine and might affect your sleep pattern.

Proven Benefits Of Green Tea

Let’s take a look at the numerous benefits of green tea:

#1. Minimal Processing Leaves Nutrients Intact

One of the best benefits of green tea is that it goes through the least amount of processing because of which it is packed with antioxidants. After picking the leaves, they are allowed to soften before being rolled to wring out their juices. After heat is applied to the leaves, they are dried and ready to use. This minimal amount of processing means that green tea retains many of the phytonutrients that are found in the actual tea plant.

#2. Boosts The Immune System

Green tea contains Vitamin C which could help fight against colds and flu. Research has indicated that people who drink green tea have fewer episodes of cold or flu in the winter than people who did not.

#3. Promotes Digestion And Weight Loss

Green tea is rich in antioxidants which promote digestive health. The catechins (a type of antioxidant) found in green tea slow down the activity of digestive enzymes, slowing down the absorption of calories leading to weight loss. Research has also suggested that people who drank green tea were more likely to maintain a healthy weight after significant weight loss.

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#4. Reduces Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes

Green tea can help cells metabolize sugar better, improving diabetes symptoms. The polyphenols in green tea regulate glucose levels in the body, cutting diabetes risk. Research has indicated that drinking about 5 cups of green tea can cut the risk of type 2 diabetes by as much as 33 percent. But do consult your doctor regarding the dosage – as 5 cups of green tea a day may contain too much caffeine.

#5. Relaxes And Stimulates

Green tea contains lower levels of caffeine than coffee, so it perks you up without making you jittery like a coffee can. Green tea also contains an amino acid call l-theanine which improves cognition. L-theanine, which is found exclusively in tea plants is also known to promote relaxation.

#6. Protects Against Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disease with no cure. It is a neurodegenerative condition in which the death of neurons in the brain cells makes movement and motor control difficult. The polyphenols in green tea may protect against cell injury and the antioxidants may help regenerate the dying neurons in the brain.

#7. Healthy Bones

Osteoporosis is a degenerative bone disease characterised by reduction of bone mass and tissue making bones fragile and prone to breakage. It affects 4 times as many women as men. The active compounds and antioxidants in Green Tea protect against bone loss and osteoporosis. Drinking green tea can promote bone mineralization to form stronger bones and also inhibit the formation of cells that remove bone tissue.

#8. Healthy Mouth

Green tea has anti-fungal and antibiotic properties. Mouths are breeding ground for bacteria. Research indicates that drinking green tea could protect against bad breath and cavities.

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#9. Healthy Skin And Hair

Green tea is widely used in beauty products. Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties because of its high content of polyphenols called catechins. These catechins reduce irritation, redness, and swelling. Green tea is also a powerful antibacterial agent for treating acne and unclogging pores. It is also full of Vitamin B2 and Vitamin E which are essential for healthy skin and hair.

The research on green tea is still ongoing. Even though the claimed cancer prevention and heart disease-fighting benefits of green tea are still debatable, there are many other proven benefits of drinking this healthy beverage. So just brew yourself a few cups of this wonderful green beverage and be on the way to better health.

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