9 Wonderful Benefits Of Aloe Vera

9 Wonderful Benefits Of Aloe Vera

If you follow skincare videos online made by several make-up gurus, you may have noticed that they like to use products that are as natural as possible. Aloe vera gel is one of their most favoured ingredients. But that’s not the only reason why Aloe vera is one of the best plants in the world, there are plenty of other benefits as well. Before we talk about the benefits of Aloe vera, let’s take a quick look at how you can grow an Aloe vera plant at home and how you can take care of it.

How To Grow An Aloe Vera Plant At Home

Here are some easy tips on how to grow an Aloe vera plant a home:

  • Find a dry environment to grow it in. Aloe vera grows better in warm and hot temperatures.
  • In a medium-sized pot, mix equal parts of soil, sand and gravel.
  • If you are planting it in a container, make sure there is a small hole on the bottom for the water to drain out.
  • Plant the root of the plant deep into the pot but don’t let the leaves touch the soil.
  • Don’t bother watering the plant for the first few days after planting.

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How To Care For Your Aloe Vera Plant

Now that you have successfully planted your very own Aloe vera plant, let’s take a look at some tips to take care of it:

  • Keep in mind that if the temperature is too hot, the plant could burn. If you see that some bits of the plant is turning brown, take it to a cooler place with adequate shade.
  • During summertime or warmer months, aloe plants grow the fastest, even without regular watering.
  • However, you can water them once a week.
  • During the winter, the aloe plant becomes dormant. Water them only once or twice a month.
  • Aloe vera plants don’t really need any fertiliser, but if you wish to go that extra mile, you can fertilise it once a year.
  • If the leaves start to look thin and curled, water it more often.
  • If the leaves look yellow, stop watering it as the yellow colour means there is an excess of water.

Benefits of Aloe Vera

We have learned how to plant an aloe vera at home and also how to take care of it. So, let’s find out the amazing benefits of aloe vera:

#1. Antibacterial Properties

If you ever happen to have a cut, a rash or some sort of skin infection, simply apply a thin layer of natural aloe vera gel to cure the problem. Aloe vera flower and leaf extracts are full of antioxidants. Aloe vera is also antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral in nature.

#2. Good For The Teeth And Gums

Gum diseases and tooth decay are common problems among adults, especially if that adult is a smoker, drinker and eats unhealthy, greasy foods. The buildup of plaque make our teeth weak and brittle. Studies have shown that Aloe vera juice was just as effective as any high-grade mouthwash. The juice kills bacteria that makes plaque. Plaque is the thin, sticky film that builds up on our teeth.

#3. Cures Mouth Sores

At some point in our lives all of us face the problem of mouth sores. Whether they are mouth ulcers, cold sore or canker sores, these small, painful boils in and around our mouth can cause a lot of discomfort. Although easily treatable through medication, many look for natural home remedies and aloe vera is a remedy that you can’t go wrong with.

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#4. Reduces Constipation

In our hectic day-to-day schedule, it has become increasingly easy to ignore what is best for our health. This in turn leads to many health issues and one of the common ones is constipation. Constipation can happen due to many reasons like unhealthy eating habits, drastic changes in food habits, not drinking enough water, lack of exercise, stress etc. As aloe vera has strong laxatives, it helps in easing constipation.

#5. Good For Skincare

Did you know that Aloe vera can slow down the process of premature aging of your skin? A study published by the US National Library Of Medicine revealed that aloe vera gel increases collagen production and improves skin elasticity. The study was conducted on 30 women over the age of 45 over a 3 month period. Aloe vera can also keep the skin hydrated which further prevents oiliness and acne.

#6. Keeps The Body Hydrated

Aloe vera is a plant which has a heavy water density. Hence, it helps us in keeping us sufficiently hydrated or preventing dehydration. Aloe vera juice helps in detoxing the body and keeps the impurities at bay. It also helps your organs function well. So, if you live in hotter parts of the world, work out often or simply forget to drink water, keep aloe vera juice handy with you.

#7. Full Of Nutrients

Aloe vera is extremely beneficial for health as it is enriched with vitamins and minerals like Vitamins B,C, E and folic acid. It also contains small amounts of sodium, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc and copper among other nutrients.

#8. Good For Hair Care

Itchy and dry scalp? Oily scalp and hair? Dandruff? Hair that won’t grow as much as you desire it to? Volume issues? All of these problems can be solved quickly and easily with the help of aloe vera. Simply try this easy hair mask and let the magic of aloe vera work for you. In a bowl, mix three teaspoons of natural aloe vera gel with two teaspoons of curd, one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of olive oil. Apply this mask on your hair and scalp and massage your scalp for about 10 minutes. Let it sit for 20 minutes and wash it off with a mild shampoo.

#9. Keeps Vegetables Fresh

This may come as a surprise but aloe vera gel helps in keeping your fruits and veggies fresher for a longer period of time. A study published by the Cambridge University Press observed tomatoes that were coated with aloe gel. The study showed that by coating the tomatoes with aloe vera gel, it has blocked the growth of many types of harmful bacteria.

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